ESSKA-ESMA & ECSS Webinar - ACL injuries in female athletes: what is different?

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ESSKA-ESMA & ECSS Webinar - ACL injuries in female athletes: what is different?

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  • Introduction by Prof. Patricia Thoreux and Prof. Jørn W. Helge
  • Epidemiological aspects depending on sports (Lior Laver)
  • Biomechanical and neuromuscular aspects of ACL injuries in female athletes  (Brice Picot)
  • Identifying and targeting modifiable ACL injury risk factors in female athletes (Mette K. Zebis)
  • Do we treat them differently? (Thomas Patt)
  • Return to sports and reinjury (Francesco Della Villa)
  • Discussion




Lior laver

Dept. of Orthopaedics
Hillel Yaffe Medica Center (HYMC), Hadera Israel
Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) University Hospital
Arthrosport Clinic, Tel-Aviv,


Brice Picot, PT-PhD

Laboratory of Human Movement Biology (LIBM)
Department of Study and Research in Physical Activities and Sport Sciences,
Savoie Mont-Blanc University, Chambéry,  France,
French Society of Sport’s Physiotherapist (SFMKS)


Mette Kreutzfeldt Zebis, PhD
Research Leader, Affiliate Professor
Faculty of Health, Department of Midwifery, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Psychomotor Therapy
University College Copenhagen,


Thomas Patt, MD, PhD
The Netherlands




Francesco Della Villa, MD
Director  · Education and Research Department
Isokinetic Medical Group,
FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence,

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