
ESSKA-ESMA ACL Prevention For All - Introduction (English)


The increase of ACL injuries, between children and adolescents, in last decade , all over the sports world, led some ESMA (section of ESSKA) people, to  develop an educational project, based on a movie with specific prevention exercises according with proposed age groups and progression. Two characters Esmi and Esmily will teach you some exercises to avoid knee injuries and stay fit according with scientific data already published.

The purpose of this project is to spread the message, all over Europe,  in schools,  sports Academies, sports Associations, Sport teams and general young  sports practitioners in order to minimize the dramatic implications in sports career, motivational and  psychologic  projects and economic health costs.

We ESSKA /ESMA want to complete our project support in terms of research and collecting data from the experience in the field as well as promotional activity through European countries.

This ESSKA-ESMA official project can contribute, in a funny, but responsible, way, to motivate young people to join the group of prevention sports injuries supporters.

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