
Precision in Distal Femoral Knee Osteotomy


Supracondylar femoral osteotomy (SFO) is a powerful, effective corrective procedure at the knee to reduce coronal plane deformities and restore physiological limb alignment.


Pre-operative imaging as part of surgical planning for these procedures is imperative however conventional imaging and templating using three-foot standing X-Rays and/or CT Scannograms can over or under-estimate the corrective measurements.


Our hypothesis is that valgus mal-alignment is a spectrum of deformity. By having advanced intra-operative imaging with real time feedback, we hope to highlight this spectrum not seen on plain film X-ray and thus improve the accuracy of our osteotomy procedures.

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Ryan Roopnarinesingh

Ryan Roopnarinesingh

Trauma and Orthopaedic Resident

The Royal College Of Surgeons in Ireland / University Hospital Waterford

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