
Multiple Sutures Yield Better Strength Comparing With Suture Tape


There is an increasing trend towards the use of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair/reconstruction with internal bracing. Multiple studies have shown improved results in those who are indicated. Synthetic suture augmentation plays an important role in the treatment. However, to date, there have been no biomechanical studies comparing conventional suture tape and multiple high-strength sutures for the internal bracing of an ACL repair/reconstruction.  The purposes of this study are to compare the ultimate load-to-failure and the displacement after cyclic load that mimics the early phase of the postoperative ACL surgery rehabilitation program of ACL repair/reconstruction with synthetic augmentation between conventional suture tape and multiple high-strength sutures.


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Thun Itthipanichpong

Thun Itthipanichpong


Chulalongkorn University

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