
Development of “KIDS-KNEES” - a paediatric PROM for ACL deficiency


The aim of this study was to use state-of-the art qualitative methods to develop a condition-specific PROM for children with ACL deficiency.


The development process followed modern principles for PROM development (including COSMIN guidelines), and the ICF model was chosen as the framework. Children with ACL deficiency were strategically recruited and interviewed. All interviews were recorded and transcribed. The NVivo 12 software was used in coding of items. All items were tested in their final form.


Children suffer a far wider negative psycho-social impact following their ACL injury than adults. The physical challenges were quite similar with few exceptions. Four new domains were created to ensure coverage.

A preliminary version of ‘KIDS-KNEES’ was created. Assessment of its psychometric measurement properties will be undertaken and likely result in a modified version, before it is valid for use.

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Christian Fugl Hansen

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