
Alterations of energy expenditure after anterior cruciate ligament tea



Background: The ever-increasing sport level makes every single detail of the

athlete’s cardiorespiratory profile count and therefore, it’s deemed crucial to

clarify how the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) affects the

energy economy of an athlete compared to the ACL-deficient and healthy

subjects. The purpose of this review was to systematically analyze the studies

that have investigated the correlation between the energy-oxygen cost in patients

following ACLR, in unreconstructed, and in intact ACLs.

Methods: This systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred

Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). PubMed,

Cochrane and Google Scholar databases were searched and eight articles

describing miscellaneous methods for the assessment of oxygen consumption in

patients with ACL deficiency or ACL reconstructed knees were included.

Results: In total, 285 subjects were recorded with mean age of 29.61. The type

of exercise that the patients were subjected to, varied among the studies,

including one-leg cycling, exercise in closed kinetic chain and walking, jogging or

running in various speeds and treadmill inclinations. The energy expenditure of

an ACL-deficient patient is considerably higher than a healthy subject.

Additionally, chronicity of the ACL tear is not correlated with the energy

expenditure. ACL deficiency leads to higher energy consumption, not only during

walking but during jogging as well. ACLR could improve the efficiency of walking

by lowering the demands for energy. After ACLR the aerobic capacity (VO2max)

of professional soccer players is improved significantly.

Conclusions: ACL insufficiency affects substantially the metabolic energy costs,

resulting in increased energy expenditure. ACLR can help to partially reverse this

condition, as significant improvements and a more efficient, energy-wise,

locomotion is expected according to current literature. However, further research

is necessary, to clarify if ACLR can completely normalize again the energy



Alterations of energy expenditure after anterior cruciate

ligament tear and reconstruction. A Systematic Review.




Sports participation is increasing steadily, subsequently leading to more

sports-related injuries1. In the United States, the incidence of anterior cruciate

ligament (ACL) injuries exceeds 250,000 cases per year2. It is the commonest

ligamentous injury, with football players being the most vulnerable group (53% of

total tears), followed by the skiers and gymnasts who are at high risk too3.

However, 20-25% of professional players are unfit to return to sport (RTS) after

ACLR at the same level as before the injury, and young athletes who RTS have a

30% chance to sustain a secondary injury within 2 years4. ACL deficiencies can

cause gait pattern alterations, and consequently the energy cost of walking

changes as well. This is estimated by measuring the oxygen expenditure, which

is higher in the injured limb compared to the healthy one5.

The ever-increasing sport level makes every single detail of the athlete’s

cardiorespiratory profile count and therefore, it’s deemed crucial to clarify how

the ACLR affects the energy economy of an athlete compared to the ACLdeficient

and healthy subjects.

The purpose of this review was to systematically analyze the studies

that have investigated the correlation between the energy-oxygen cost in

patients following ACLR, in unreconstructed, and in intact ACLs.

Materials and Methods

This systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred

Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). It

contains articles describing miscellaneous methods for the assessment of

oxygen consumption in patients with ACL deficiency or ACL reconstructed


Two authors did a thorough systematic search of the literature on the 24th

of October 2022, including articles from three databases (PubMed, Cochrane

and Google Scholar). The following search strategy was utilized to find any

relevant articles: (ACL reconstruction OR ACL deficiency) AND (oxygen

consumption OR energy expenditure OR energy cost OR walking economy OR

VO2max). Any discrepancy between the authors with regards to selection of

retrieved studies was resolved by a third author.


In this systematic review 8 studies were included. Out of them, 2 were

Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) [12,16], 5 were prospective comparative

studies [1-3,11,14] and 1 prospective cohort study [5]. In total, 285 subjects

were participated, 235 males and 50 females, with mean age of 29.61, mean

heigh of 1.76 m, mean body mass of 75.62 kg and mean BMI of 24.8. The mean

time of injury since the ACLR was 5,33 months. The type of exercise that the

patients were subjected to, varied among the studies, including one-leg cycling,

exercise in closed kinetic chain and walking, jogging or running in various

speeds and treadmill inclinations. The graft type in the group of ACLR was bone

patellar tendon bone (BPTB) autograft in 53 patients, Hamstrings tendons in 43.

The energy expenditure of an ACL-deficient patient is considerably higher

than a healthy subject, not only during walking but during jogging as well. This

finding can be attributed to altered gait kinematics that are usually developed in

ACL-deficient patients, and primarily to “quadriceps avoidance” pattern, meaning

a sustained knee flexor moment during mid- stance. ACLR could improve the

efficiency of walking by lowering the demands for energy. Moreover, the type of

ACL graft (Hamstrings vs BPTB) and its role on metabolic energy cost is still

uncertain, but to date both graft types are proven equal, without significant

differences in respect of walking economy.


The premise of this systematic review was that the metabolic cost and

the energy consumption, in various sports activities, is higher in subjects

with ACL deficiency, but is this also observed in athletes after ACLR?

Undoubtedly, a native ACL constitutes a valuable knee stabilizer and energy

sparer and as a result, the point of interest is focused, nowadays, on the energy

consumption of an athlete with ACL deficiency or after ACLR. The ever-increasing

sport level, especially in sports requiring frequent cutting maneuvers like football,

makes every single detail of the athlete’s cardiorespiratory profile count and

therefore, it’s deemed crucial to clarify how the ACLR affects the energy economy

of an athlete compared to the ACL-deficient and healthy subjects.


ACL insufficiency affects substantially the metabolic energy costs,

resulting in increased energy expenditure during walking and exercise, but

could also lead to poor cardiorespiratory fitness. ACLR can help reverse this

condition, as significant improvements and a more efficient, energy-wise,

locomotion is expected according to current literature. This is definitely an

additional benefit to improved functional outcomes after ACLR and therefore, it

should also be considered and brought up during consultation with patients

that sustained an ACL tear. However, further high-quality research is

warranted, in order to delineate, if ACLR is capable of bringing metabolic

energy costs back to normal and also if graft types could have any impact

on the outcome.

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A. Keskinis, K. Paraskevopoulos, K. Makiev, K. Tilkeridis, A. Ververidis, E. Iliopoulos


Anthimos Keskinis

Resident in Orthopedics

University Hospital of Alexandroupolis


Konstantinos Paraskevopoulos


Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham


Konstantinos Makiev


University Hospital of Alexandroupolis


Konstantinos Tilkeridis

Associate Professor

Democritus University of Thrace


Athanasios Ververidis


Democritus University of Thrace


Efthymios Iliopoulos

Assistant Professor

Democritus University of Thrace

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